What We DO

Oipge's Farm is a family-run business, based in Koch, Nwoya District. We exclusively specialize in organic farming with zero usage of chemicals or insecticides. Our primary areas are permaculture and polyculture,

Our Main Areas Of Expertise includes:

Fruits Orchards
Timber Project
Perennial vegetables and flowers
Bee Keeping
Seeds Project
Events and Training

Purchase 48.5 Acres
A5 years ago, we took the opportunity to buy our land with the plans and goals to start professional farming with permaculture and organic as our preferred method.

Ideas Was Formed
We decided to name the farm after our beloved father’s nickname and decided that we should have short-term, medium-term as well as long-term plans. So, we have decided not just to concentrate on fruits and timber, we will actively engage in growing seasonal vegetables as well as perennial crops.

Buying Seedlings
After drawing up clear plans and goals, in July 2021, we started buying fruit seedlings, timber seedlings, and our most ambitious project yet is buying over 400 Apple Seedlings. The future is looking very bright at the moment.

Our Team

Monique Wyatt

Monique Wyatt

CEO/Managing Director
William Okot

William Okot

Operational Manager


Hospitality Manager
Carlise Adoch

Carlise Adoch

Sales & Marketing
Junior Okot Oringa

Junior Okot Oringa

We Are Hiring

We are always on the lookout for outstanding individuals to join our grow team. Are you a team member? Do you like working with plants? We accept both local and international.


What We Are Looking For:

 Work Experience
 Day Labourer
 DFarm Manager

Get in touch: info@opigesfarm.com