Flowers ProjectI

At Opige's Farm, we are fully committed to encouraging wildlife and friendly bugs on the farm. We have a five years plans to invest in mass flowering planting that will attract honey bees to the farm.

Bees Friendly Flowers

Over the past year, we have done extensive research into bee-friendly flowers that will encourage the population of honey bees on the farm. We have sourced hundreds and thousand bees friendly flowers seeds and we will be able to start planting in the new seasons on the farm.

Chemical Free, 100% Organic.

We do not use any harmful chemicals or pesticides to spray vegetables or fruit trees at the farm. We have decided to concentrate 100% organic in order to encourage honey bees and beneficial wildlife on the farm. Not only is organic beneficial to our bee farming projects, but we will also have a population of bees to thrive on the farm which will pollinate our fruits trees. Guests and future customers can also have peace of mind knowing that no chemicals are used on our products.

Our Commitments

We are fully committed now and in the future that we will farm organically without any nasty chemicals spray on our plants or feed to animals on our farm.


Key Investments Areas

100% organic
Free from chemicals or pesticides
Encourage wildlife
Plant friendly flowers to encourage the population of bees
Invest in research and continuous training