Fruit Orchard

In early July 2021, we made big investments in fruit trees. Overall, we bought in excess of over 10,000 fruit seedlings which range from 10 different varieties of mangoes trees, Avocado, Soursops, Citrus Fruits, Jack Fruits, and many more just to name a few. All trees were planted by late July. We will continue sourcing more fruit trees within Uganda and other countries in the near future.

Apple Orchard.

We are delighted to announce that in early September 2021, we invested in approximately 13 varieties of apple seedlings at the cost of 15.6 million Shillings.
The apple seedlings were sourced from Dr. John Baptist Lwanga of Kuffel Creek Apple Nursery. We will continue to work with Dr. Lwanga in the future to source other different varieties of seedlings.

Nuts Seeds

At Opige's Farm, our interest is not limited to fruit trees alone
We are interested in different nut trees and so far we have plant
cashew nuts and macadamia trees and will continue to source palm oil trees as well as other nuts in the next 2 years.


Key Investment Areas

Watering your lawn and is the key to preserving its lushness and beauty. The experts carefully design your sprinkler system to ensure maximum coverage to your lawn. Whether you are looking for a brand new irrigation system to maintain your lawn.

Extensive Research in fruits and nuts Trees
Source more trees within Uganda and other countries
Research in product development
Marketing and sales
Building strong partnerships in Uganda and other countries
Building partnerships with other farming communities

At Opige's Farm, we have very long-term plans to invest in different fruits and nuts, this will mean that will be sourcing trees from lots of countries.
We are committed to planting a minimum of 10,000 trees per year. This will means that we will plant a minimum of 50,000 trees over a five years period.
Our long-term plan is to open our farm fully to the public for both training and tours. We will also welcome students, volunteers, and interns who want to learn about our work at the farm.